In our second half-term of French we will be:
Take a look here at our parallel text for this module.
In terms of grammar we will be
We will be learning a range of expressions with 'avoir' which is used to say where it hurts. We will be revising the use of 'depuis' with the present tense to say how long we have been ill
The forms of avoir are here along with examples of the type of phrases to learn.
J'ai mal au dos
-I have pain in back
Tu as mal à la tête
-You have a headache
Il a mal à l'oreille
-He has earache
Elle a mal aux dents
-She has toothache
Nous avons faim
-we are hungry
Vous avez soif
-You are thirsty
Ils ont mal au cœur
-They feel sick
le bras >mal au bras
la tête > mal à la tête
l'oreille >mal à l'oreille
les dents>mal aux dents
Click the doctor for sentencebuilder practice
A wordwall here helps you to practice depuis plus present.
Listening match up on J'ai mal
Reading match up on J'ai mal
Gameshow quiz on le corps
The homework is a quiz on Satchel:One. You must complete this quiz as your submission.
Join the pebble class here and complete the assignment here.
There is a Blooket homework here for those wanting a little more practice.
This will be a vocabulary test on the forms of 'avoir' language seen in both in the sentence builder and the blooket challenge.
The focus these next three weeks is on saying which foods we eat or avoid and why. We will be practising how to give detailed reasons for our choices
We will be learning to manipulate a range of verb structures which are followed by an infinitive to express what we used to do, could do and should do in order to be healthy.
Wordwall Cloze Text challenge here
Please complete the seneca assignment.
The future tense has crept into this unit. You will know one irregular verb 'faire' and will know the rule for all regular verbs.
A more detailed explanation is here along with some exercises..
You can here as well. Practise how to form the futur simple here.
Practise Si + présent+ futur by using this link
SentenceBuilder practice here.
The assessment this week is a Reading comprehension paper on the topic of healthy living.
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